Fighting Misinformation Together
At DBUNK, our mission is to provide fact-checked news and combat misinformation. We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate and reliable information in today's digital age. With our revolutionary application, we are empowering users to stay informed and contribute to the fight against misinformation.
Empowering Truth in the Digital Age
At DBUNK, we combat misinformation with fact-checked news and empower users to contribute to an informed society.
Unleash the Power of Verified Information
DBUNK provides individuals and society with the benefits of accurate and reliable information. Stay informed and combat misinformation with our revolutionary app.
Access fact-checked news for informed decisions in a trustworthy ecosystem.
Fight misinformation and contribute to a truthful society.
Meet Our Team
Our team consists of dedicated experts in their respective fields.

Karl Folse

Karl boasts 23+ years of experience in engineering and quality management, with expertise in global operations, customer support, and product development.​

Jonathan Chamblee

Experienced product strategist with a track record of developing over 50 go-to-market strategies and advising 100+ clients in emerging technologies.

Lisa MacDonald

Lisa has 25 years of successful franchise ownership and management experience, driving top-performing locations within the Restaurant Brands International network.​

DBUNK's Achievements in Combatting Misinformation
Fact-Checked News
DBUNK verifies news with AI and certified fact-checkers.
User Fact-Check Requests
Users fight misinformation by requesting fact-checks on news articles.
Community Contributions
DBUNK encourages user-contributed fact-checked news, enhancing reliability.
Building a Truthful Society
DBUNK leads in fighting misinformation, promoting accuracy.
Trusted by industry leaders for its reliability and accuracy
Join the DBUNK Movement
Support our mission to combat misinformation and promote accurate news.